Wednesday, December 3, 2014

How to Combine All Your Email Accounts Into One Gmail Account

Having more than one G-Mail account had become today so essential to meet the needs, Having more than one Gmail account can be useful for some people to separate the personal mails and work mails. But if one is having more than two accounts it’s annoying thing for them to check all the emails by logging into every single account. And there may be some people who don’t want to loose any important mails sent to them. Luckily you can now combine the multiple accounts from your single gmail account. (Practically it’s not combing your email accounts, it just forwarding the mails to your single main email account from all other email accounts.

Follow the steps one by one to combine all your Gmail accounts
Step 1:
Select the Gmail account which you use frequently login to check the mails.And login into you Gmail account. Step 2:
Now open the Gmail Settings by clicking on the Gear icon (Top-Right-cornor) and click on the “Settings”. Step 3:
Now switch to the new tab in the settings menu “Forwarding and POP/IMAP”
Step 4:
Now click on the Add Forwarding address as shown in below image.


Step 5:
Now just add the account you selected to receive all the emails to single inbox account. You need to confirm all the account by clicking on the link sent to the mail account, or by entering the code received to the confirmation code sent to you mail account. When you verify by any one method, you will get a confirmation messages..
Step 6

Now after verification of the account. You will get option to activate the forwarding of the emails to your account with some options like Option to keep the copy of the mail in your the secondary email account even after forwarding the mail to your mail email account,and Option to delete the mail after forwarding the mail to your mail email account from the original email account. If you want this option then select the “Delete GMail’s copy” from the drop down menu.

That’s it you have completed of merging the multiple gmail accounts, Now you need not to login into and remember the password of multiple GMail accounts, and waste you time. In maintain your email accounts. Note with this method you can not only combine the multiple Gmail accounts, You can also combine the other email accounts provided by other companies in the same way.

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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How to create Watermarks on picture.

Insert a picture as a watermark

You can automatically turn a picture or a photo into a watermark that you can use to brand or decorate a document.
1. On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Background group, click Watermark.

2.Click Custom Watermark.
3.Click Picture watermark, and then click Select Picture.
4.Select the picture that you want, and then click Insert.
5.Select a percentage under Scale to insert the picture at a particular size
6.Select the Washout check box to lighten the picture so that it doesn't interfere with text.

The picture that you selected is applied as a watermark to the entire document.

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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How To Format Blackberry phone?

 Open Blackberry Menu and then Options icon - Security Options - Security Wipe
Check the first two boxes

Type blackberry in the bottom box
Click Wipe very simple and easy. good for newbies

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Monday, June 30, 2014

How to share pc Images into bluestacks

Hello Friends,Today we have one trick for you to share picture directly from pc to Bluestack apps.Here some steps just follow them and enjoy.

Fist You can tack picture and drag and drop into bluestacks.You can select whats app and any other apps and send pic in your whats app contact.

That is the fastest way to share picture directly from pc to whats app chat.

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Monday, May 26, 2014

How To Download Youtube Videos Without Using Any Software

         Youtube is the world's largest video sharing website.Youtube is the site where you can get all kind of videos.You can find out in web that there are various method of downloading videos form youtube to your computer.I am going to tell you one of the easiest method for downloading youtube videos without any help of any kind of software.This trick will help you to download youtube videos easily without any software.
  1.  Go to open the page of the video you want to download. 
  2. Add "ss" between the www. and the section of the URL and click enter.
                  Original Youtube URL:
                  Modified Youtube URL:
     3.This will redirect your browser to another site.
     4.Choose the formats of the video.Click on the link of the format.

     5.And finally your video download will start in your downloader.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to change Admin password Using Guest Account

Hello Friends,Today we have one new trick for you to change admin password using Guest account.This tricks help you to forgot windows administrator password ways to recover and reset password in windows 7.Here some steps just follow them and enjoy.

First open Guest Account and then run the Command Prompt.Then after type "Net user" and Enter
Now you can see all the account details.

Now type the Net user  administrator *  
Now type the new password.
Type the new password, the text you type is not going to come up on the screen but its there.
It will ask you to so

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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Partition Hard Drive In Windows 7 Without Formatting

Hello Friends,Today we have one new trick for you to Hard Drive partition.This tricks help you to partition hard drive without formatting.Here some steps just follow them and enjoy.

First of all go to 'start' and then on the window that appears search for 'Computer' and then once you right-click on it another window opens and then you should navigate to the option 'Manage'.

 At once a new window will open entitled 'Computer Management'. In this new window click on 'storage ' and then go to 'Disk Management'.

The completion of the second step will give you a view of all the drives present in your computer.

Among these select the one you want to partition.Then right-click on the selected drive and navigate to the option 'Shrink Volume..'

A new window should open in which the size of the drive before shrink will be mentioned and the available space to shrink will be mentioned,and in the next line you will be asked to enter the amount of space you want to shrink and this will be the size of the new partition.

Caution:The space you enter must be within the limit available space displayed above.

After entering the values click on thee option 'Shrink' and wait for the process to complete.The time taken for the operation may be long depending upon the size of the disk and the space to be shrunk. Once the operation is completed a window appears showing unallocated space the value is exactly the one you entered earlier.Select this unallocated space and or right click on the option "New Simple Volume".
  A wizard will open up.Go through the wizard and fill in the values required.Usually the value needed to enter is the same one that you entered as the volume to be shrunk.

A format page will appear and in it carefully notice that thee File system selected is 'NTFS'. After this is done enter a name for your drive and then click on 'Next' and then "Finish".

You have reached your goal.You have partitioned your Hard Drive in Windows 7 without formatting your computer and without the use of any software.Fell free to drop your comments in the comment box.

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Friday, March 28, 2014

How To Know Your Antivirus Is Real Or Fake

Hello friends,how are you. I hope you are enjoying tricks on my,We are very happy to share tricks with you. Today we have one new trick for you to check your antivirus.This trick will help you check that your antivirus is real or fake or you can say that your antivirus is working or not,here are some steps just follow them and enjoy.

  1. First of all open NOTEPAD and write below code into it.
     2. After that press save this file,here this file as CT103.VBS on your Desktop.
     3. If  Your Antivirus is real then it can not allow you to save this file on your desktop i.e. it will detect as virus and delete it and if your antivirus is fake then it will allow you to save this file.

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Awesome VLC Media Player Trick

Here,In this tutorial i will share a simple trick yet interesting tricks.I will call it VLC Inception tricks. This trick is simple and works on windows xp and windows 7.

How to do this trick??? 
  1. OpenVlc Media player.
  2. Then press Ctrl+ N
  3.  Now type Screen://
  4. Click on play and watch this simple little trick.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Make Your Computer Talk What You Type.!!!!!

Welcome back again,This is very good and interesting Visual Basic Script Trick which let your computer speaks whatever you type.There is no need of any software.Just only follow simple steps.
  • First open Notepad and copy below codes into it.
Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","COOL COMPUTER TIPS 103")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message
  •  Now save the notepad file as talk.vbs
  • Now close the notepad file and double click on talk.vbs .
  • Done...!!!!
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Monday, March 24, 2014

How To Know Is Your Computer Male or Female?

Interesting Tricks.

Hello friends,I am back it an awesome cool trick which will help you to know your computer gender. Whether it is MALE or FEMALE.This trick work on all windows operating system. So let get started.there are simple steps to do this.

Step 1:Open Notepad and copy code given below into it.

CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"i love you"

Step 2:Save the file as gander.vbs
Step 3:Now click on the gander.vbs file,if you hear male voice then your computer is male and if you hear female voice then its female.that's it..!!!! 

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Friday, March 21, 2014

Finding Serial Key Of Any Software Using Simple Google Trick

Most of you download and use pirated software from torrents or any such other sites,but sometime it gets very difficult to find serial key of those software.I will make it easy for you by showing you simple yet very interesting Google tricks which will allow you to find serial key of any software very easily.

How To Find Serial Key Of Any Software?
  1.  Go to Google.
  2. Then type Software Name 94FBR.
  • Replace software name with the name of software whose serial key you wont to find.
  • Ex:To find serial key of Photoshop 7 i will type "Photoshop 7 94dbr'
     3.Now find serial key of software you are looking for as show below.


How to password protect any folder without any software

In my previous post i have teach you to hide Files/Folder.In this tutorial i will show you interesting and useful trick to password protect folders without using any software using batch file programming.This trick will work on all windows plat form(win xp,win 7). Follow below tutorial to learn this trick.

How To Lock Folder?

  • Open notepad and copy code given below into it
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
if NOT EXIST MyFolder goto MDMyFolder
echo Are you sure to lock this folder? (Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren MyFolder "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock Your Secure Folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%== computertips103 goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" MyFolder
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md MyFolder
echo MyFolder created successfully
goto End
  • Save the notepad file as lock.bat(.bat is must)
  • Now double click on lock.bat and a new folders will be created with name my folder.
  • Copy all your data you want to protect in that new folder.
  • Now double click on lock.bat and when command prompt appears "Type Y" and press enter.
  • Now my folder will be hidden from you view,to access that folder double click on lock.bat.
  • It will ask for password enter your password and done.(Default password is computertips103).
* To change the password replace computertips103 with new password in the above code.

How To Further Secure?

You might be thinking that anyone can assess the password by opening that lock.bat file in Notepad or any other text editor.To make it more secure hide in some secure location after following the above tutorial to access the secured file double click on lock.bat. I would suggest copying lock.bat file into pendrive and copying it into your computer whenever you required to access to your protected file.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Folder Colorizer:change Icone Color Of Any Folder In Window

While searching through a huge number of folders,it is common for users to miss the one thing that they are looking for.This is due to the fact that,when faced with a lot of similar looking items,the ones with the same color are categorized together by the human brain.the default yellow color for folders chosen by Microsoft to be used in windows Explorer is pleasing to he eyes,but it also makes differentiating between all the folders a  difficult task.Whenever you look inside a folder containing a large number of sub folders,they all look the same to you because they are of the same color.What i have done to tackle that problem is choose a different icon for all the frequently used icons,but that requires you to separately access the setting of each folder and change their can be quite useful,however,if the number of folders is huge,it can turn out to be quite a tedious task.

Let's we begin  here....

Step 1: Download the Folder Colorize application Click on "Folder Colorizer"Here, Then run this exe. file.
Step 2:At First, select the individual folder which you want to colorize with any different color.
Step 3:Place the cursor on the folder and press the 'right click'
Step 4:From the appeared the menu,select the colorize option and select the required color.
Step 5:As you will select the required color,your selected folder will instantly change form yellow to that color.
Step 6:If you want to colorize the folder with custom color,then select the 'Custom' option after selecting the 'Colorize' option.
Step 7:Just pick up thee required color from the given window and click on the 'Add color' option.
Step 8:As you add this color,it will save as the preset color and then,you will be allowed to colorize any folder with this color.

  How to Restore the original color of the folder

Step 1: If you want to restore the standard color of any folder,just press the 'right click'on the folder.
Step 2:Select the 'Colorize' option and then click on  the 'Restore original color' option.
Step 3:After this step,the color of the folder instantly changes to the standard yellow color.

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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Security Tip:How to Hide Files/Folders using Command Prompt

First,One of the things that I'm interested in it and important to me is "Security" so today i will teach to hide any kind of Files & Folders using Command prompt.

Let's hide some Files/Folders

  • Open Command prompt
  • Type this Command \attrib "Your File/Folder Path" +S +R +H
           For Example:-
  1. To hide a File (Type the file extension)attrib"D:\Text.txt"+s+r+h
  2. TO hide a Folder attrib"D:\NEW FOLDER"+s+r+h
 Your File/Folder should be hidden now,even if you tried to change setting of Folder option
 Its wont work!!!!!

Now How to unhide it???

Retype the Command Again But this time change all the (+) signs with (-) sign link this
attrib"Your File/Folder path" -s-r-h and that's it.

Enjoy hiding File/Folders.

By the way don't Forgot to follow my page D+

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Fix:Cannot change Desktop Background in Windows 7/8

Most of us enjoy displaying out favorite Desktop Background or Wallpaper on our windows Desktop.But if you find for some reason that you cannot change the desktop background in window 8 and window 7,You my try some of these steps.

Step 1:Open control panel and select "Ease of Access" center.Then,Click on "Optimize Visual Display" link.Scroll down until you find "Make to computer easier to see"section.Once found, make sure that Remove Background Images is unchecked.and save,apply then exit.

 This should help.

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Monday, March 10, 2014

How to make laptop as Wi-Fi Hotspot

We need only 3 steps to do this....Which is....

Step 1 : First of all Download And Install VirtualRouterInstaller.msi on your laptop.
Step 2 : Now set up name and password for your wi-fi Hotspot and click on Start Virtual Router

Step 3 : Now on and search Wi-fi on your mobile phone or your devices.Now enter password and access internet.

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How to block porn Websites for in All Web browsers

Here u can,Follow the Simple Steps
  1. Open your Control panel
  2. Click on Network And Internet
  3. Next,Network And Sharing Center Click
  4. Then click on Wireless Network / Internet Connection
  5. Wireless Network Connection status open like show the image Below

6. Then Click On Properties and you can See this page

7. First Select Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4) Then click on Properties,you can see next page which is

8. After Open above page you can Select Use The Following DNS Server Addresses(Radio Button)
then put DNS Sever Addresses Which is:
  1. Preferred DNS Server:
  2. Alternate DNS Server:

Then click ok..And close all pages, click on your any Web browser and search the any porn website, It will be blocked...

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Computer Tips 103 Introduction

Hey , Are you there ? ... Yup .. Here i am Ankit Arora. The CEO of Computer tips 103 Blog.

About Myself , I am simple boy which has lots of experience in Computer field from last 6 years. As a professional i am B E Computer Engineer & part time blogger. As a blogger i am starting this blog for those of all guys who willing to get solutions about computer problems and solutions. Also, i want to tell you i am not that much clever in computer field but at least i can solve any problems in few day's.

So, If you have any problems related computer programming,or any type. then, Contact me any time. I will give you proper way to get back to your normal.

The main part of this blog.

I am sharing all tricks about how to repair computers,how to programming, proper use of computer functions. all all hidden tips and trick you will get from me by connecting with my blog. so, be in touch with me for getting latest updates about computer tricks.

Aim of this blog

Aim is just simple to give solutions to my all of friends who are in trouble. I just starting this blogging for my enjoyment. Now not for money. May be i will go further but now i just do for sharing premium things to you.

So, In last words just want to say. Stay connected with me and share your comments below in comment box. Thanks for visiting my 1st post of Computer Tips 103 Introduction.

© 2013 Computer Tips 103. All rights resevered. Copyright by Computertips103