Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Security Tip:How to Hide Files/Folders using Command Prompt

First,One of the things that I'm interested in it and important to me is "Security" so today i will teach to hide any kind of Files & Folders using Command prompt.

Let's hide some Files/Folders

  • Open Command prompt
  • Type this Command \attrib "Your File/Folder Path" +S +R +H
           For Example:-
  1. To hide a File (Type the file extension)attrib"D:\Text.txt"+s+r+h
  2. TO hide a Folder attrib"D:\NEW FOLDER"+s+r+h
 Your File/Folder should be hidden now,even if you tried to change setting of Folder option
 Its wont work!!!!!

Now How to unhide it???

Retype the Command Again But this time change all the (+) signs with (-) sign link this
attrib"Your File/Folder path" -s-r-h and that's it.

Enjoy hiding File/Folders.

By the way don't Forgot to follow my page D+

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Written by

My self Arora Ankit,B.E Computer Engineer from GTU.My passion is to share my own programming skills and computer tips, tricks.Enjoy and stay updated with computertips103.If you have any problem related to computer field then feel free to leave your comment.


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