Monday, February 10, 2014

Computer Tips 103 Introduction

Hey , Are you there ? ... Yup .. Here i am Ankit Arora. The CEO of Computer tips 103 Blog.

About Myself , I am simple boy which has lots of experience in Computer field from last 6 years. As a professional i am B E Computer Engineer & part time blogger. As a blogger i am starting this blog for those of all guys who willing to get solutions about computer problems and solutions. Also, i want to tell you i am not that much clever in computer field but at least i can solve any problems in few day's.

So, If you have any problems related computer programming,or any type. then, Contact me any time. I will give you proper way to get back to your normal.

The main part of this blog.

I am sharing all tricks about how to repair computers,how to programming, proper use of computer functions. all all hidden tips and trick you will get from me by connecting with my blog. so, be in touch with me for getting latest updates about computer tricks.

Aim of this blog

Aim is just simple to give solutions to my all of friends who are in trouble. I just starting this blogging for my enjoyment. Now not for money. May be i will go further but now i just do for sharing premium things to you.

So, In last words just want to say. Stay connected with me and share your comments below in comment box. Thanks for visiting my 1st post of Computer Tips 103 Introduction.

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